Soil Sampling/IT Tech Operations Manager

 Cory grew up in Decatur, Indiana, where he spent many hours with his grandpa on his farm, and also on his friends’ farms.  

Cory graduated from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. His work experience started with horticulture, but Cory transitioned into agronomy when he joined Integrated Ag Services in 2015. 

Cory started as a field and IT tech, spending his day conducting soil samples and scouting, and working on computer projects between seasons. He enjoys the variety of work, problem solving and applying new technologies to agriculture. Over his years at IAS, Cory has transitioned to the Soil Sampling/IT Tech Operations Manager.

As a U.S. Naval Reserve, Cory spends his spare time at the Naval Operation Support Center. When not fulfilling his reservist duties, he enjoys spending time with friends and family.